40 Scavenger Hunts and Treasure Hunts for Kids
Scavenger hunts and treasure hunts are totally awesome. They are a great way to incorporate learning concepts, they get kids moving, and everyone loves them! I’ve gathered all of our scavenger hunt and treasure hunt ideas onto one page. More will be added as we do them.

Scavenger Hunts
Scavenger hunts typically have a list of items to find. You’ll see that sometimes I’ve called something a scavenger hunt when it really was a treasure hunt (it involves clues). Either way they’re still super fun.
Sight and Sound Nature Scavenger Hunt (with free printable) – Take this scavenger hunt with you on your next hike outdoors. Look and listen for the sights and sounds of nature. What will you find?
Backyard Birds Scavenger Hunt (with free printable) – Use the photos of common backyard birds to see what species you can find.
All About Birds Scavenger Hunt (with free printable) – Head outside and look for signs of birds. Can you find nesting materials or food that birds eat? Listen for birds singing and woodpeckers pecking. Search for nests and keep an eye out for birds.
Outdoor Sound Hunt Inspired by Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? – Use the book as inspiration to have your child make a list of sounds that they can hear outside (or what they think they might hear outside). Then, head outside and see what you really do hear.
Very Hungry Caterpillar Inspired Simple Scavenger Hunt – Search for items in the story. Draw pictures of the items and write a list. This one is perfect for preschoolers and older kids.
Magnetic Scavenger Hunt – This scavenger hunt requires no set up. All you need is a magnet.
Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt with Picture Clues – This hunt has picture clues with words below. The pictures are perfect for toddlers and the words help beginning readers. Place the clues in Easter eggs and place the eggs next to the objects.
Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt with free printables (sponsored) – Use the Facts Up Front Label to answer questions about food products and learn about nutrition. There are two versions. Download the free printable without product pictures (9 questions, 1 page). This works well for going to the store or having the actual products on hand. Or download the free printable with product pictures (9 questions, 4 pages). You can use it as a stand alone worksheet if you don’t want to go to the store or use products in your home.
Picture Clue Scavenger Hunt – Just like the Easter egg scavenger hunt but without the eggs and with more generic clues. Kids can use cookie cutters to draw the pictures and create the hunt themselves!

15 Rainbow Scavenger Hunts – This colorful collection has ideas for hunts indoors and outdoors plus several variations of a rainbow toy hunt.
Treasure Hunts
Treasure hunts usually have a set of clues with one clue leading to the next until you reach a treasure at the end.
Backyard Treasure Hunt with Picture Clues – This is my all time favorite treasure hunt. Using picture clues lets even the youngest treasure hunters play along. It also helps beginning readers practice their reading skills. Print out the picture clues (there are 18 to choose from), laminate them (use contact paper), and head outside. Once your kids get the hang of the treasure hunts, they can create them for each other. Place the pictures in a different order or use different clues. It’s fun to play this again and again!
Invite the Neighborhood Treasure Hunt – Create a treasure hunt using sidewalk chalk clues. This is perfect for those spring and summer evenings when everyone is outside. The neighbor kids will love the surprise at the end.
Christmas Treasure Hunt with Picture Clues – This is an indoor Christmas version of our backyard treasure hunt. Print out the picture clues and hide them around the house. Follow the clues to the treasure.
Very Hungry Caterpillar Treasure Map – Follow the treasure map to find the pieces of the puzzle. Collect all of the pieces, assemble the puzzle, and see the cool Eric Carle inspired art.
Pirate Treasure Hunt with Sight Word Secret Messages – Read sight word secret message to follow the clues to find the treasure.
X Marks the Spot Pirate Treasure Hunt – Practice letter recognition and pre-writing skills with a fun treasure hunt.
Geocaching, Letterboxing, and Other Outdoor Treasure Hunts for Kids (sponsored) – This post talks about how to get started geocaching and letterboxing (a clue based treasure hunt). Plus there are ideas for more simple outdoor treasure hunts as well.
Christmas Map Reading – Create a treasure map that leads to Christmas craft supplies. Follow the map to find the treasures. Then, have fun creating some crafts.
Easter Egg Hunt Map Reading – Make a treasure map that shows where all of the Easter eggs are hidden.
Flashlight Halloween Treasure Hunt – Search for pumpkin treasures in the dark. This is great for a dreary fall day or for a Halloween activity.
Color Changing Dragon Egg Hunt – A colorful twist on the traditional Easter egg hunt. This one is great for Easter or a dragon themed birthday party.
Bat Number Treasure Hunt – Practice number recognition and counting while getting kids moving. This one is great for toddlers and preschoolers.
Toddler Treasure Hunts
Toddler treasure hunts are some of my favorite to create. They are super simple to set up. You don’t create any clues. You just have your toddler look for the treasure. Start off by hiding it in plain sight and then work towards hiding it in more difficult locations (up higher, down lower, partially underneath something, behind something, etc.)
Farm Animal Treasure Hunt for Toddlers – If your child likes animals and finding treasures, then he’ll love this hunt. It’s a great way to work on communication skills, vocabulary, and beginning observation skills.
Super Hero Treasure Hunt for Toddlers – Just like the farm animal treasure hunt only this time you’re searching for the DUPLO super heroes.
Very Hungry Caterpillar Inspired Toddler Hunt – Search for the Very Hungry Caterpillar plush toy in this game. Play hot or cold our give clues to help your child find where the caterpillar is hiding.
Dinosaur Treasure Hunt for Toddlers – Just like the farm animal and super hero treasure hunts. This time you’re searching for dinosaurs.
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