20 Maze Activities for Kids
I’ve been collecting maze activities for kids for a while now. I think it’s time to share all of the fun ideas I’ve found. My son loves a good maze – especially ones he can move himself or something else through.
Maze Activities for Kids
Outdoor Mazes
Each fall, we head out to a local corn maze. It’s a fun outside activity for the whole family. Let your kids lead {within reason} or help them use a map to navigate the maze. Practice following directions and the difference between left and right.
Some of the corn mazes or pumpkin patches have smaller straw bale mazes that are perfect for younger kids.
Happy Hooligans creates a giant leaf maze in the backyard. Grab some trucks and create roadways in the leaves, too!
Will you get enough snow to make a snow maze? Life with Moore Babies did.

Draw a giant maze in your driveway. hands on : as we grow shows you their big maze that’s great for preschoolers.
Try adding some math to your chalk maze. This preschool math chalk maze from How to Run a Home Day Care does just that.
hands on : as we grow also creates a counting maze of numbers.

Indoor Mazes
Construct a cardboard box maze complete with play tunnel. With enough boxes, you can fill the whole room!
Learn how to draw a maze at Kids Activities Blog.
Build a maze with Legos. I show you how at Kids Activities Blog. Bonus: print out a couple of mazes while you’re there.

Teach Preschool shows us how to make a simply amazing maze for play with straws.
Salt tray mazes are another fun idea for making mazes with straws or just your fingers. [Teach Preschool]

hands on : as we grow has a great idea for creating a tape maze inside and using it as a counting activity.
Or you can create an alphabet maze learning activity. [also from hands on : as we grow]
If you hide a maze inside a box, can you still find your way through it? Learn more about the hidden maze over at A Mom With A Lesson Plan.
Science Sparks has a quick and easy mini magnet maze.
JDaniel4’s Mom shares 19 ways to use a zigzag learning maze.
This scavenger hunt maze for the kids to learn lowercase letters looks like so much fun. [hands on : as we grow]

Make a block maze and practice counting by driving a remote control car through the maze.
What mazes have you created? I would love to pin them to my Fun with Mazes board on Pinterest.
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This post was originally published on September 25, 2013.
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