The Sunday Showcase – Christmas Ideas
Hello & welcome to the The Sunday Showcase – WHERE YOUR CHILD CENTERED IDEAS are the STARS of the show!
The Sunday Showcase is hosted on the following blogs:
Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
Here Come the Girls
Inspiration Laboratories
The Iowa Farmer’s Wife
Train Up a Child
We each feature different posts that have linked up, so be sure to check everyone out! We’ll also be pinning our favorites to our Pinterest board.
If you are here for the first time, please read this informational post for the full details.Here’s the short version – anything kid friendly and/or child centered is welcome! You are welcome to share more than one post, but we don’t accept links for giveaways, shops, or downloads for purchase, etc. They will be deleted. Please place the button below or a link to us somewhere on your site.

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Inspiration Laboratories"><img src="" alt="Inspiration Laboratories" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
If you’re linking up, I encourage you to visit some of the other link-ups! Everyone appreciates comments, encouragement, feedback, etc.
*Important* >Please note that by linking up you are giving us permission to use a photo (with proper link to you!) in our featured section! If you prefer not to be featured, comment below or e-mail me.
The Showcase Features:
(taken from last week’s posts)
This week I’m featuring a few Christmas ideas.
It’s a little late for Advent, but I’m saving these two ideas for next year:
Reading Confetti created book tree Advent calendar and
willowday made a Lego Advent calendar.
This framed button art from Look What Mom Found would make a fun gift idea.
I love homemade ornaments (especially kid-made ornaments). Buggy and Buddy shares these colorful wooden bead ornaments.
If you’ve been featured, grab a button!

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Inspiration Laboratories"><img src="" alt="Inspiration Laboratories" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Featured from Inspiration Laboratories:
This week I was busy preparing for my son’s 3rd birthday party. I’ll be sharing the details in the near future. Here’s a preview of the cake. You can see a few more pictures on instagram.
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