Gardening with Kids: Make a Plant Journal
The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle is the featured book for this week’s Virtual Book Club for Kids. Make a plant journal to record your observations of seed and plant growth. Be sure to see all of the garden themed activities at the end. I get commissions for purchases made through the affiliate links in this post.
Gardening with Kids: Make a Plant Journal
A plant journal is a great way to observe the growth of a plant. You can watch the seed germinate and see the changes in the roots and leaves as the plant gets bigger. Use the plant journal to practice measuring and observation skills. Learn about the parts of a plant as you watch the plant grow roots, stems, leaves, flowers, etc.
You can make a plant journal with a notebook and a writing utensil. You could also make a photo journal. You can keep an electronic photo journal or you can print out the photos, add them to a notebook, label them, and add your observations.
If you want to observe the plant germination, you’ll need a way to see the seeds while they grow. My favorite method for observing seed germination is to grow the seeds in a plastic bag. We used this method to observe the growth of our sunflower seeds.
5 days later, our sunflower seeds had already grown quite a bit.
Aiden drew the sunflower plants in his journal.
He measured them and recorded their length.
He repeated this two days later and labeled the parts of the sunflower.
He continued recording the growth of the sunflower over time. Eventually, the sunflower seeds were ready to plant in our garden.
They continued growing.
And growing. Until they were taller than our house.
We went on a road trip and actually missed the sunflowers when they were their prettiest. When we came home they were almost ready to seed.
We collected the seeds for roasting or planting later.
More Garden Science Activities for Kids
Learn How to Start a Butterfly Garden. This post has tips and resources starting a small butterfly garden at home.
Try this plant science experiment to test different growing conditions. Where will your plant grow best?
Check out these 20 garden science activities inspired by children’s books.
More Activities from the Virtual Book Club for Kids
See more garden activities inspired by The Tiny Seed
Counting to Ten Algorithm Coding Worksheet for Preschoolers – JDaniel4’s Mom
Plants and Sunlight Science Experiment for Kids – Mama Smiles
Flower Patterning | Spring Math Activity for Preschoolers – School Time Snippets
Painted Flower Craft for Kids – The Educators’ Spin On It
Spray the Alphabet Garden for Toddlers – Toddler Approved
Also stop by the Virtual Book Club for Kids Facebook page to see what others are sharing!
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