Making Cards with Toddler Art
Do you have a child who loves to color? What do you do with all of the beautiful coloring pages? Turn the beautiful artwork into cards – Christmas cards, thank you cards, birthday cards, etc. Making cards with toddler art is a wonderful way to use your child’s coloring pages and personalize a handmade card.
Here are some of Aiden’s coloring pages.

I wanted to share his art with our family, but I didn’t just want to mail the coloring pages to them. I thought it would be fun to incorporate his art into our Christmas cards!
I let Aiden color on several pages of cardstock – all different colors. {We did this over several days – I’m not a mean mama who made him slave away in one sitting…}
Then, I cut out shapes with my Silhouette Cameo. {Super fun toy, but you can cut the cards by hand, use paper punches, or craft scissors.}
For some of the cards, I simply added a star to the inside of the card – a small touch of Aiden.
I also made a few using his coloring page as the main background. I cut out different shapes and stamped “Merry Christmas” on the outside. I added some glitter for sparkly fun.
A nice message and bible verse is on the inside (and a few more cut out stars colored by Aiden).
I added one more picture on the back, a little stamp, and note saying the artwork was by Aiden.
I hope everyone likes their cards! {I think I’ll save one for myself.}
Don’t limit yourself to just coloring pages either. You can use any of your child’s artwork. I love to fold one of my son’s paintings in half and write a message inside. Super easy and super special! Try one of my favorite ways to paint with kids for an interesting piece of art perfect for a homemade card.
Are you as excited about Christmas crafts as I am?
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