LEGO Finger Puppet Theater

We love all things pretend play. LEGO is perfect for building scenery, props, or characters for our stories. Make a LEGO finger puppet theater and put a show!

LEGO Finger Puppet Theater

LEGO Finger Puppet Theater

Aiden’s friend gave him some handmade finger puppets for his birthday. They were the perfect little present. Aiden just loves them. I suggested we make a puppet theater for the animals. He liked that idea.

Aiden wanted his puppet theater to be made out of red LEGOs. He looked through his LEGOs and found as many red bricks as he could. I suggested black as a secondary color since I doubted we had enough red bricks in this one container. (The rest of his LEGOs were in his closet which shares a wall with Lily’s room. We didn’t want to wake her.)

We built a wall of red bricks and capped it with a row of flat black bricks.

lego wall for puppet theater

The sides of the theater window are black.

lego wall for puppet theater

We had to find a solution for the top as we didn’t have any available LEGOs that would span the width of the theater. Aiden found a few grey pieces and built the top.


We add red pieces and one black thing to finish it off.

LEGO Finger Puppet Theater

The finger puppets could now put on a show. We found it easier to use them if we put them on craft sticks.

finger puppets

The elephant, monkey, and sheep are chatting.

LEGO Finger Puppet Theater

The llama has a magic wand.

LEGO Finger Puppet Theater

Aiden also had to have an anemone fish join the show. We taped it to a craft stick. Easy puppets!

fish in puppet theater

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