Angry Bird Valentines with Secret Messages

Aiden insisted on taking Angry Bird valentines to his preschool class this year. I thought we would add secret messages for his friends to reveal.

Make special Angry Birds Valentines with secret messages for your friends!

Angry Bird Valentines with Secret Messages

We’ve done a version of these secret messages before when we made secret message art. We used paint to reveal our messages. I wanted a more portable option, so we are using crayons to reveal the secret messages.

You’ll Need:

  • paper
  • white glue
  • crayons
  • pencil/pens

First, Aiden and I practiced drawing Red and Chuck.

angry birds drawings

They are actually pretty easy to draw. Aiden does a good job on his own, but he wanted me to draw them on the valentines.

Red and Chuck

I added a speech bubble above Red. It looks like Red is talking to his best friend, Chuck.

angry birds valentines with secret message

Inside the bubble is where we added the secret message.

Use white glue to write a message. Allow the glue to dry completely.

Add a crayon to the card.

angry birds valentines

When you give the special valentine to your friend, they will reveal the secret message by coloring over the speech bubble.

angry birds valentines

Red says Hi, friend!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

More Secret Message Ideas


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