The Sunday Showcase – Outdoor Summer Activities
Welcome to the Sunday Showcase! This week I’m featuring Outdoor Summer Activities that were linked up last week.
How Wee Learn suggests starting a business {like a lemonade or produce stand} to help kids practice math this summer.
How Wee Learn also shows us how to make an outdoor hula hoop tunnel.
Life with Moore Babies sets up a dirt sensory bin challenge.
P is for Preschooler has sight word races with cars outside.
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Featured from Inspiration Laboratories
Lately, I’ve been enjoying my time with Lily who will be 7 weeks on Monday. This week I updated our Father’s Day book list. Giving a special book is a nice gift idea for dad. Emma from Science Sparks shared awesome summer science ideas for toddlers. We created a counting goats math game to go along with Let’s Count Goats! by Mem Fox. The goat puppets are great for pretend play, too. Aiden made alphabet puppets. Then, we used the alphabet puppets in a matching game to practice letter recognition, letter sounds, and sight words.
The Sunday Showcase is hosted on the following blogs:
Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
Here Come the Girls
Inspiration Laboratories
JDaniel4’s Mom
We each feature different posts that have linked up, so be sure to check everyone out! We’ll also be pinning our favorites to our Pinterest board.
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*Important* >Please note that by linking up you are giving us permission to use a photo (with proper link to you!) in our featured section! If you prefer not to be featured, comment below or e-mail me.
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