The Sunday Showcase – Sight Word Activities

Welcome to the Sunday Showcase! This week I’m featuring Sight Word Activities that were linked up last week.

Sight Word Activities Featured on the Sunday Showcase at Inspiration Laboratories

 Mamas Like Me has a Sight Word Pop game plus other sight word activities.

3 Dinosaurs shares a sight word dot fine motor activity along with a free printable.

Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails creates a hungry penguin learning game. Use it to practice sight words and more!

Playdough to Plato offers 15 customizable sight words games for purchase.

For even more ways to practice sight words, check out my Sight words and Early Reading Activities Pinterest board.

If you’ve been featured, grab a button!

Inspiration Laboratories
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Featured from Inspiration Laboratories:

February’s featured author for the Virtual Book Club is Laura Numeroff. We played a Party Hat Sight Word Matching Game inspired by If You Give a Pig a Party. We made a Hide and Seek Valentine’s Day Card inspired by Happy Valentine’s Day, Mouse! Check out our collection of Valentine’s Day Science Experiments and Activities. Have you seen our collection of Ice and Snow Experiments? So much winter fun!

Party Hat Sight Word Matching Game Inspired by If You Give a Pig a Party by Laura Numeroff - part of the Virtual Book Club for Kids Hide and Seek Valentine's Day Card Inspired by Happy Valentine's Day, Mouse by Laura Numeroff
Valentine's Day Science Experiments & Activities 15+ Ice and Snow Experiments for Kids - Check out this great collection!


The Sunday Showcase is hosted on the following blogs:

Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
Here Come the Girls
Inspiration Laboratories
Learn Play Imagine

We each feature different posts that have linked up, so be sure to check everyone out!  We’ll also be pinning our favorites to our Pinterest board.

If you are here for the first time, please read this informational post for the full details. Here’s the short version – anything kid friendly and/or child centered is welcome!  You are welcome to share more than one post, but we don’t accept links for giveaways, shops, or downloads for purchase, etc. They will be deleted. Please place the button below or a link to us somewhere on your site.

Inspiration Laboratories
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If you’re linking up, I encourage you to visit some of the other link-ups! Everyone appreciates comments, encouragement, feedback, etc.

*Important* >Please note that by linking up you are giving us permission to use a photo (with proper link to you!) in our featured section!  If you prefer not to be featured, comment below or e-mail me.


Thanks for sharing your ideas!


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