Challenge and Discover: Water Science
Welcome back to Challenge and Discover – our monthly science challenge link up co-hosted with with Science Sparks. Thanks so much to everyone that linked up to last month’s parachute challenge. This month’s challenge is water science. We are challenging you to get out some water and do science with your kids. We will give you examples of projects for the theme on our blogs and in our Science at Home video series.
Water Science for Kids
Kids love playing with water and exploring its properties. Did you realize they’re really doing science? Making observations, predicting what will happen, learning about the world around them – that’s science.
Set up a bowl of water for your child to explore {outside maybe}. Pose a question or two to get her interested. What happens when you push your hand in the bowl of water slowly? What happens when you hit the water with the palm of your hand? Is there a difference in how it feels? What you experience is due to the surface tension of water and cohesion. Water molecules adhere to one another.
That’s just one simple water science idea for you. There are many more ideas below. How will you choose to play and explore water?
Science at Home Video Series
Watch the video to see examples of water experiments and activities. We discussed density, condensation, surface tension, melting, water movement, and capillary action.
Check out the Science at Home post for more information and links to the other water science ideas.
More Water Science Examples
Learn about density with a bowl of water and objects from inside or take the density exploration outside.
Try a saltwater density investigation. Make density layers using salt, water, and food coloring.
Use fruit juices {flavored sugar water} to make a density tower in the layering liquids density experiment.
Teach your kids this science magic trick from Science Sparks. The secret is in the water densities.
Make a hurricane in a bowl of water.
Try this super simple surface tension demo from Science Sparks.
Challenge and Discover: Water Science
Link up posts about water science activities you have done with your kids. By linking up, you are giving us permission to grab one picture and feature your projects on our blogs and social media sites. We’d love for you to grab a button and add it to your post.

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You can also share photos of your activities on our Facebook pages or in the Science for Kids community on Google+.
Link up your water science activities starting today.
Thanks for sharing your water science ideas!
Linking up here.
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